Monday, May 11, 2009


1. do you love shades ?
` yeap?

2. do you love your friends ?
` yeap. (:

3. do you love to shop ?
` yeap (: Shopaholic-er :)

4. what is your favorite shopping mall ?
` Paragon. :)

5. what is the best color for you ?
` Black, Purple, Redd, Green.

6. do you drink vitamins ?
` Amino Acids count?

7. do you have a boyfriend\girlfriend ?
` Oh, my gan steaddd. (:

8. are you bored ?
` yeap?

9. who was the last one who text you ?
` Annabelle.

10. do you like laughing ?
` erm, HELL YEAH! :)

11. have you ever been kissed by a guy ?
` *cough.

12. if one handsome guy ask for your cp number, would you give it ?
` probably not.

13. are you smart ?
` HELL YEAH!~ LOL, I totally no shame, :D

14. are you messy when it comes to your things ?
` I guess.

15. do you party with your friends ?
` Oh, it's my life menns.

16. what`s your favorite cake ?
` Chocolate, Cheese, Tiramisu, Chocolate. (:

17. what is your favorite number ?
` 1, 13 (: My lucky numbers, :D

18. what is your favorite website ?
` oh, I guess?

19. are you inlove wid someone ryt now ?
` Oh, my gan steaddd (:

20. are you dating wid someone ?
` Oh, yeah. My gan steaddd. (:

1. where do you want to study when you got to college ?
` Columbia University. (: Actually, it's my parent's wish. -.-

2. do you play wid your neighbors ?
` when i was young.

3. do you share your food wid your friends during lunch break ?
` sometimes.

4. have you ever been to fights wid your parents just bcos of the "love" thinggy ?
` No.

5. would you rather ride in a bus or a tricycle ?
` Bus, duh.

6. who is your favorite lola ?
` Pardon?

7. single or taken ?
` taken, by my gan steaddd. LOL :D

8. do you miss someone ?
` .

9. what is the unit of your cellphone ?
` 93521116

10. do you drink cola ?
` yeap, vanilla one please.

11. have your ever been to hotel ?
` duh.

12. do you celebrate your birthday without a cake ?
` No.

13. what is your luckiest day ?
` oh, idk.

14. who is your crush ?
` o.o

15. how big is your room ?
` ok-ok lah.

16. what`s the color of your room & bedsheet ?
` colour of room: black, white.
bedsheet: purple.

17. do you paste your awards on your walls ?
` Yeap, LOL :D

18. what`s the color of your computer ?
` black :)

19. are you feeling excited today ?
` No?

20. what`s your favorite brand of lotion ?
` nivea, cocoa ones especially. vaseline avacado's cool too.

2. are you a beach person ?
`. What do you think if I go there practically every week? :)

3. do you love doll shoes ?
`. ?

4. are you a music lover ?
`. D.U.H

5. do you use your hands when you eat ?
`. nope.

6. how big is your eyes ?
`. mini. :P

7. do you have your own car ?
`. yeah, right.

8. do you eat sushi ?
`. love it.

9. what`s your ambition in life ?
`. to be a journalist, or pychologist, or writer :)

10. how big is your tummy ?
`. ==

12. have you ever wish on a star ?
`. yeah, right. I'm not like some other freakin' bitch. (:

13. do you love GOD ?
`. (H)

14. what are you planning to do after ans.-ing dis survey ?
`. continue to do others. (:

15. would you rather be straight or curly ?
`. is wavy in the list?

17. where are you right now ?
`. my rooom.

18. do you cook ?
`. yeap. Home Econs.

19. do you love polka dots ?
`. (H)

20. do you wear shorts today ?
`. yeap.

21. what`s your favorite color ?
`. purple, black, white, gold, red.

22. do you love your parents ?
`. hmm, let's say, yes.

23. who are you ?
`. me.

24. what`s your cp number ?
`. ?

25. what`s the color of your ipod ?
`. Aqua Blue & Silver. I got two. (:

[ ] Gotten a referral.
[ ] Gotten detention.
[ ] Gotten your cell phone taken away.
[ ] Gotten suspended.
[x] Chewed gum during class.
[ ] Gotten iss
[ ] Gotten late to a class more than 10 times.
[x] Didn't do homework over 5 times.
[ ] Returned at least 5 projects in late.
[ ] Missed school cause you felt like it.
[ ] Skipped class at least 3 times.
[x] Got your mum/dad etc. to get you out of school.
[x] Texted people during class.
[x] Passed notes.
[x] threw stuff across the room.
[x] Laughed at the teacher.
[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm.
[x]Went on myspace; friendster; xanga; etc on the computer at school
[x] Took pictures during school hours.
[ ] Called someone during school hours.
[x] Listened to an ipod/cd player/mp3 during class.
[ ] Hit a teacher with a textbook.
[ ] threw something at the teacher.
[x] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[x] Broke the dress code
[x] failed a class.
[x] Ate food during class.
[x] Gotten a call home
[ ] Couldn't go on a field trip cause you behaved bad
[x] Didn't take your stuff to school
[ ]gotten a detention and didnt go
[ ] used passes from other days/ Or made fake pass
[x] sworn during class loud enough so the teacher could hear
[x] sleeping in class
[ ] whacked a teacher
[ ] threaten a teacher
[ ] felt hungry during class and went home to eat.
[ ] tripped a teacher
times your total by 3
I'm hated by teachers 54%

(I'm a good girl) (:

Put an X in every box that applies to you.
Add up all the x`s and title subject with the sum as "My marriage age is__"
[x] You know how to make a pot of coffee
[ ] You keep track of dates using a calendar
[ ] You own more than one credit card
[ ] You know how to change the oil in a car
[ ] You do your own laundry
[ ] You vote every election
[x] You can cook for yourself
[ ] You think politics are exciting
[ ] You balance your own checkbook
[ ] Your parents have better things to say than your friends
Total: 2
[ ] You show up for school/college/work every day early.
[ ] You always carry a pen in your pocket/purse
[x] You've never gotten a detention
[x] You have never smoked a cigarette
[ ] You have never gotten completely trashed
[ ] You have forgotten your own birthday at least once
[ ] You like to take walks by yourself
[ ] You've watched talk shows.
[x] You know what 'credibility' means without looking it up
[x] You drink coffee[caffiine] at least once a week.
Total: 6
[ ] You know how to do the dishes.
[ ] You can count to 10 in another language.
[ ] When you say you're going to do something you do it.
[x] My parents trust me
[ ] You can mow the lawn
[ ] You can make adults laugh without being stupid
[ ] You remember to water the plants
[ ] You study when you have to
[ ] You pay attention at school/college
[ ] You remember to feed your pets
Total: 7
[x] You can spell 'experience' without looking it up.
[ ] You work out on a regular basis
[ ] You clean up your own mess
[ ] The people at Starbucks know you by name
[ ] Your favorite kind of food is take out
[ ] You have gained weight since middle/high school-
[x] The first thing you do when you wake up is get caffeine
[ ] You can go to the store without getting something you don't need
[ ] You understand political jokes the first time they are said
[x] You can type quickly
Total: 10
[ ] You have realized that the weather forecast changes every hour
[ ] Your only friends are from your place of employment
[ ] You have been to a Tupperware party
[ ] You have realized that no one will take you seriously unless you are over the age of 25 and have a job
[ ] You have more bills than you can pay
[x] Most of all your friends are older than you are-
[ ] You can say no to staying out all night
[x] You use the internet every day
[ ] Your wardrobe hasn't changed in a while
[x] You can read a book and actually finish it
Total: 13

My marriage age's 13? ==




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