Monday, May 11, 2009


What do you mean when you sistas' forever since you're not true to us?
We never expected you to pangseh us over your boyfriend.
Ever since you got Donovan, you're like total flipover.

When you know Minda-lyn's having a hard time getting over that bastard,
Your just in front of her, making out with Donovan?

Do you treat us like a true sister?
Well, Yes or No, we do.

You said, sistas before blokes,
Without even blinking or showing any sign of guilt.

You make me feel so empty,
I thought you really loved Donovan that much,
But why are you still trying to steal away Lyn and my boyfriends? [For me, ex]
I feel sorry for Donovan.
And Eric is a dumbbell for falling for your trick.
Ian is an shithole, you can have him.

If you treat us like a sista,
Please, just get back the same old Karyn and we're happy already.
You asked me, if Mindalyn, Lyn, Me, Rochelle, Vinna, Xinsi, Peiling, Priscilla hate you.
The answers are, yes.
But, we hate the 'you' now.
Not because we're jealous of you changing image,
For a sweet, innocent, cute chick
Into a manupulative, i'm-hot-you're-not, insensitive, jealous, sour, flirt. [LOL]

We would have loved your transformation,
But, you transformed into the person that we don't know.
It's so, like a stranger.

Now, all we hope is if you really still treat us like a sista,
Stop stealing our boyfriends.
Try not to be distant from us, as in like, don't be so.. You know.

If you don't,
We're sorry. Friends come and go.
Even for sistas,
since you don't trreat us as one.
Pls, leave us alone.

Posting for the sake of :

Minda, Lyn, Me, Rochelle, Vinna, Xinsi, Peiling, Priscilla.

Loves folks,

MANNLING. -sour face-

Friends come and go,
We used to have so much fun together,
Last year, at Sean's party,
We sistas tried to convince you into wearing a miniskirt.
You're like, running around my house half-naked and demanding for a pair of jeans.
We played with our mum's makeup cases,
make us look like an ass
We kicked Weisiang's ass together when he horny up and ask for a -toot toot- party.
Cause all of us together, 's like a bombshell :D
I sincerely hope that you'll change, and have our old times back,
Life without even a sista sucks alright.
Coming for the bottom of our ever-so much hearts,
We miss you,

MannLing, Pricilla, Lyn, Peiling, Minda-lyn, Rochelle, Xinsi, Vinna.

Sistas' forever, no matter what :]



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