Sunday, August 2, 2009

Astrology ♥


One of the most rewarding and yet dangerous lovers to become involved with in the intense power the Scorpion Planetary alignment. Even though Pluto is a relatively new planet (in terms of our discovery of its strange elliptical orbit, which happened in 1930) its effects on Scorpio’s has always been there, quietly driving and defining their characteristics. There is debate around which of Scorpio’s planets has primacy, mars or Pluto, but the reality is that both the fire of mars and secret intensity of Pluto has great bearing on the interaction and personalities of your Scorpio lover.

One of the most obvious aspects of this tension is the way that Scorpios affect other people around them. If you haven’t noticed it yet, pay close attention to how others act around your Scorpio. He/she is the one at the bar with their arm around a complete stranger sharing a drink and talking of life, but at the same time they are evaluating and manipulating, drawing people into their inner circle quickly and efficiently. The opposite sex is always overly fond of your Scorpio and people in their life seem adopt their mannerisms and turns of phrase, without even really noticing it.

But here is key, the blending of intense social interactivity and secret internal intellect create a volcano-like rumbling, threatening to blow and destroy everything around them, and that unfortunately can include lovers and friends. It is important to stand back a bit when your Scorpio is in full tilt, because getting in his/her way can often lead to catastrophe. And don’t for one minute think that if your partner fails in their endeavor that they will be satisfied and give up, on the contrary the Pluto in their sign allows for a depth of understanding that will get back in the belly of the beast and retool whatever needs to be fixed and get back on course.

In spite of what seems a recipe for complete personality disaster when your Scorpio’s life is balanced with love and friendship the intense power and passion that are at their disposal can bring great happiness to everyone around them. This is the state that a good lover can bring to their Scorpio. It is in many ways the reason that throughout history Scorpio men are so associated with desirability. A lot of women out there, you all know who I am talking about, want to fix men in their lives, and strangely enough Scorpio men are one of the only sun signs that not only allow but also tend encourage this paradigm of help and helper.

But don’t betray them. Of all the signs they are the most vindictive, and they will wait patiently to exact their revenge. This is why it is so important to make sure that you are the right mate for a Scorpio, since even if they perceive a slight or a betrayal of trust they can fly off the handle, dropping into a deep state of depression, making everyone around them miserable. Cultivate a sense of trust and calmness in your Scorpio and the dividends will pay off huge.

Best Relationship Matches

Cancer Both of you have deep emotional wells underneath that hard surface, and are both water signs.

Virgo You admire each other’s work ethic, and the negative traits of both cancel each other out.

Pisces Although the attraction is immediate, it doesn’t last long the Piscean will become too possessive for you.


No wonder I despise over-possessivness ..


Blogger Alisha Sharma said...

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April 17, 2020 at 11:27 PM  

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